Friday, 10 October 2008


I found the ferry was comfortable enough and slept well but Susan found the bunks a little firm and was feeling tired.
Still France was now in sight:
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It was an early start as we trudged down to the car, printed directions from google in hand, European road atlas. Two GPS enabled gadgets with maps to hand, what could possibly go wrong?

Once off the ferry we set off through Saint-Marlo it was at this point we suffered our first gadget failure. My cunning ploy to power a USB hub with a car to USB power adaptor resulted in disaster when we discovered that there was insufficient power to drive both the hub and a USB phone charging cable. This has left us with only one charging lead for both the N810 and the N96. This may turn out to be a problem as i have all the maps loaded onto the N810 and was planning to use Nokia sports tacker to create GPS tracks of the trip. Worse than that, as all the maps were stored on a separate drive that shut down the instant the charging lead was plugged in. Stress levels hit the roof as we attempted to navigate the streets of Rennes with a European scale road atlas which at best manages to get the motorways right. This time the N96 and Susan's skill managed to get us out the other side of the town where we found a place to park up and re-arrange the cabling web to get things working. Oh sports tracker managed to record 1.2km before giving up... not sure why will have to investigate.

The rest of the journey down was relatively uneventful, payage all the way to Bordeaux.

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