Saturday, 11 October 2008

Morella: the castle

I was up at dawn this morning to take pictues the light was fantastic. It was fun wandering the deserted streets and i was very greatful of having scoped out a few sights the night before took lots of pictures, most of them fairly poor but got a few i was happy with.

After returning to the hotel for breakfast we set off to see the castle itself we paid the 2€ entrance fee and were presented with a guide sheet in english before heading out into the noon sun to climb to the top of the mountain. It was hot but definately worth it.

The whole site is undergoing a huge restoration project to bring back the 800 year old ruin back to life. The fortifications are on three levels with the top level up an agonising flight of stairs the views of the surrounding area are well worth the climb.
Lots of German voices, no other english ones.

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