Friday, 3 October 2008

Departure preparations.

It's departure day and time is running out fast. We have to be dockside in Portsmouth by 19:45 and that means braving the Hindhead lights at rush hour on a Friday. Other than that the route is all set and we have accommodation at every stop booked so things are surprisingly organised for me.

The plan is to drive down through France to Spain, head right down to the south to see the Alhambra before looping back up through Madrid leaving by way of the Santander-Plymouth ferry.

I will be documenting the trip using my Nikon D80, Nokia N810 internet tablet and N96 mobile phone with a whole spiders web of cables to connect them up and keep them charged.


Keybroad No Oni said...

So, how's it going?

ThePirateKing said...

Your blogging powers are weak, old man...